The Hacker Playbook 3
A famous hacking book from Peter Kim
Awesome book with hacking tools and tips from Peter Kim. You can find THP3 book at amazon with "look inside" feature. This is the 3rd edition focused on Red Teaming. If you are a beginner, it's better to choose 2nd edition, it's more suitable for learning. What I don't like about this book is a typography. Here is a list of tools and notes (in progress).
1.Install Basic Tools
PTF - pentester framework
Install scripts for your pentest tools on debian/arch linux systems
PowerShell Empire
post-exploitation framework that includes pure powershell2.0 windows agent and python 2.7 linux/OSX agent
encrypted communication C2 channel over dns
P0wned Shell
powershell in C# which does not use powershell.exe
framework and collection of powershell scripts with some C2C lightweight scripts
a proxy aware C2 framework written in powershell
2. Red Team - Recon
SSL/TLS cert recon, subdomain enumeration, code repository enumeration and more
gather hostnames from certificates
combines kali recon tools - passiv ARIN, dnsrecon, goofile, goog-mail, goohost, theHarvester, metasploit, URLCrazy, Whois,multiple websites and recon-ng.
Simple domain enumeration upon a wordlist
Benefits from search engines
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